Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Latest

Here are some pics of what has been happening at the house lately.

The beginnings of a real fire pit

some of the retaining wall and the steps that will go up the hill in the middle of it

We had to dig out a portion of the hill so we could bring the wall back a little

My Mom's boyfriend Sam was able to bring these rocks into the yard for us!! They are MASSIVE!

Our driveway is filled to the brim!

A close-up of the stone

One of my new dahlias compared to Matt's hand

One of the hanging baskets out least some of my plants are thriving!

We are also painting our living room FINALLY!! We just started today, so these are mid paint

You can see the previous tan paint to the left

Sexy husband taping

We had the pleasure of hosting the Joner family for the weekend and they are adopting this itty-bitty!! She was adorable, and loved Whiskey-me, not so much! With the fam, we had 9 people staying at our home for the weekend!

Wary of me holding her

Matt has been working hard not only at work, but also getting the supplies for all of our improvements! It has been a challenge having the right materials at the right times. And something always comes up extra that we will need, which means $$$! We cannot wait until this project is over! We will invite everyone over soon for a BBQ and campfire!
We are painting the family room a lovely shade of green. It only took 4 samples to get the right one! Thanks to Awesome Amanda, we found the green we were looking for.
I have been trying to swim a couple days a week and I feel like I am getting better, but I still need a lot of work. Maybe I should just backstroke the whole way??? :)
Matt and I went to church this morning and really enjoyed ourselves! We always feel better when we do. I had taken this weekend off, so we should actually be able to go next Sunday also, which would be a full two weeks in a row! Since I can only go to church every other week and we have been so busy, we have had a hard time getting motivated to get up and find a new church. We liked the service we went to today! Yippee!
On Friday, we have Matt's cousin Kathryn coming over from Alabama for a few days. It'll be busy, but we'll have a great time touring the area!


Our growing family said...

I seriously love watching you guys improve your home! You do such a wonderful job! (ok, ok...I know matt does most of the work, but I know you help!) =) It is always so beautiful! Keep the pics coming! =)

Nicole said...

Your dahlias are amazing!!! And, we are looking forward to the bbq invite ;) Oh, and I vote for the backstroke... I went through a period where I didn't want my face in lake water so I passed a few Miracle Ranch swim tests with that lucky stroke :)