Friday, May 28, 2010


A lot of these pictures are really blurry, but you get the point. Crazy bear!


CMC said...

Insane! So cool that you got pictures though :) I'm always afraid I'm going to walk outside and see one of those guys going through the dumpsters in our parking lot though!

jess.elise said...

Ahhh! Omgosh!!! I'm SO glad that Whiskey (or you!) wasn't outside! Did he just leave on his own? That's so crazy!

Robica said...

that's INSANE!! looks like you'll need to buy more bird food.

valarie said...

that big bear must be desperate to be going after birdseed--yikes! i hope Matt has instilled some fear in him by now...

tiffany jeanne said...

oh my gosh. What'd you do about this??? Crazy and so cool all at the same time!!